Tuesday, March 31, 2020


John W. Hill - Wikipedia
I've been reading about the history of public relations and the people who've influenced the industry. I've been doing a lot of research on different professionals and someone I found really interested is John W. Hill.

After doing all the research, this is what I learned about John W. Hill.

He is the founder of the world's largest public relations firm. 

  • Hill & Knowlton holds 2,000 employees in 80 offices in more than 40 countries
  • The firm includes a long list of corporations including Texaco Inc., Warner-Lambert, Procter & Gamble, Gillette, Swiss Banks, the American Petroleum Institute and the Business Roundtable
  • John Hill was the reason for the firm moving into European countries
He started Hill & Knowlton in an amazing city, CLEVELAND. 
  • He was a former financial news reporter
  • One of the first firms to give public relation guidance to businesses 
  • Moved to New York to partner up with Don Knowlton and to open the headquarters 
Obviously, he was successful.
  • He wrote two books about the business, "Corporate Public Relations" and "The Making of a Public Relations Man"
  • He got his honors from public relations associations and a honorary degree from Boston University 
  • Admirably skills, dignity and steadfast attachment to personal and professional standards 
  • He was associated with the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) and the Tobacco Institute 
John W. Hill was a pioneer in the public relations industry. He had a two-sided goal for public relations of providing information in non-controversial situations and providing advocacy and persuasion when controversy exists. 

For more information, please use the links below.





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