Saturday, April 4, 2020


My least favorite holiday of the year is April Fools' Day. I think it's probably because I'm extremely gullible and hate being scared or surprised by anything. My roommate LOVES this day so I'm always extra conscious around her but I thought I was in the clear this time because we aren't together.

I thought very wrong.

As you may know, I am spending some time at my sister's house during this quarantine and because I just moved out of my apartment on-campus, everything is in my car. I keep myself entertained the majority of the time but little did I know she was planning a prank during the day and got her roommates involved.

After Abby and I finished up with dinner, she went out to her car to grab something and came back inside asking me questions about where I put all my stuff from the car. I had no idea what she was talking about because I didn't take anything out of it but it finally clicked in my head of "oh my god, someone broke into my car."

I was in panic mode. I was running around trying to find shoes and I finally got outside to my car and realized all of my stuff was gone. I was on the verge of tears when I turned around and saw one of the roommates recording me. I WAS MAD. I threw my keys at Abby and chased her around the car and finally got her on the ground.

The prank was evil but it was impressive. The house did a great job and I respect them but I'm over April Fools' Day. Take a look at the videos below for a good laugh about my gullible self.

Hats off to those who love this holiday.



  1. I wish I was there to witness this prank! You are easily the easiest person to pull any prank on or even scare. I'm glad nothing was actually stolen out of that brand new car of yours!

  2. This is hilarious! I'm sorry you did get April fooled though. And I'm glad your stuff wasn't stolen lol. I also love you and your sister's relationship.
