Sunday, March 1, 2020


In my social media principles class, we were given an assignment to live tweet an event. I forget we had to do this so I got stuck live tweeting the fantasy suites of the bachelor. If you watch bachelor or not, everyone knows this show is always dramatic. 

However, I'm not sure how much I would call this episode dramatic as much as I would call it awkward. They put all three girls in the same hotel for the fantasy suite and each one would come back from their date and talk about it with the other girls. One great went perfectly, another went ok with some miscommunication and the third went poorly.

The three girls and Peter went to Gold Coast, Australia to fall in love. Hannah Ann received the first date, where they spent the day on the water jet skiing and ended with the couple in the fantasy suite. Victoria was next and spent the day with Peter in a helicopter. The two of them experienced some tough conversations but talked through it and decided to forego their individual rooms.

It was finally time for Madison's date. Peter and Madi climbed the tallest building and the view was beautiful. But when they got to dinner, the two had talk about a lot. Madi told Peter she was saving herself for marriage and gave him a "ultimatum" at the last rose ceremony. After talking and being honest with each other, Madi excused herself from dinner and Peter followed her outside. However, we are left on a cliffhanger and we don't know if Madi decides to leaves or stay.

After live tweeting this whole episode, I learned being a part of a Twitter chat is difficult and you have to be ready at all times. I would be watching the show and then I would tweet about it, all while trying to respond to people commenting. My promotional tweet gained more likes than I thought it would but overall the chat was hard to do.

For more information about this episode or to check out my live tweet, feel free to look at my Twitter account. You can find me at @em_brock_.

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