Monday, March 30, 2020


The small village of Ada, Ohio will forever have a piece of my heart. As mentioned in previous blogs, I go to Ohio Northern University located in a very small town called Ada. I'm not a small-town girl but Ada is home and I love this village so much.

Just recently, our school went under quarantine due to the Coronavirus so all on-campus housing had to evacuate and head home to their families. A lot of emotions were happening for me because I was already stressed with online classes, I had to pack up all my stuff and say bye to some of the most important people in my life. To say the least, it was EXTREMELY overwhelming.

There were some complications trying to get home to Akron but thankfully, my sister lives in an off-campus house in Ada and I get to stay at her house for a few weeks. I am very excited about this but if you ask the other four girls living in the house, I think they have mix feelings because I'm pretty loud and ask a lot of questions.

While being at the house, I am "learning" new skills. I put quotations around learning because the struggle is real with cooking and French braiding hair. My sister, Abby, thinks it's a smart time to learn how to cook. It's going well but again, I ask a lot of questions so sometimes I get put in timeout and can't talk until the food is out of the oven. Although cooking is a process, I'm succeeding in French braiding. Growing up, I had Abby do my hair all the time so she told me to learn myself. Her roommate is in education so she was patient enough to teach me how to do it.

Other than cooking and doing hair, I exercise A LOT. I go on runs and I head to the park to get some shots up. Throughout all these runs, I find something new about Ada and it's not as small as I thought it was! Believe it or not, I got lost running around the Wilson Football Factory. It might have been because I'm Emily and get lost a lot but I was honestly really confused. Ada is no ghost town to me anymore.

I'm very thankful to be staying in the village for a few more weeks. I wasn't ready to leave the windmills and I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my junior year. Ada may be small but I'm very lucky to have a place that makes saying goodbye so hard.


  1. Ada is such a special village and will always hold a special place in my heart. As the looks of it, your using your time wisely.. learning how to french braid and cook. Haha! It's tough to get started with braiding, but once you get it.. you'll never forget! I am not surprised you got lost, and laughed when I read that part! I hope to see you soon Em!

  2. Ada holds so memories for so many of us and special to all of us that went to ONU. I love cooking, so if you ever want so pointers let me know! Also, french braiding can be so challenging, especially if you hands start to get tired!
