Monday, March 23, 2020


Instagram stories have been blowing up this week with hashtag challenges to lift up some positivity in the world today. I believe these challenges are a way for individuals to get their minds off something other than the coronavirus. I love seeing everyone participate and nominate their friends. Challenges like this show how social media can be used for good uses and promote happiness.

The first challenge I got nominated for was the #postabucketchallenge. This one was fun because I got to post a little highlight of me doing something well in basketball. I learned so much from my junior year of basketball and struggled a lot so in a way I was sending myself some confidence. And with myself accepting the challenge, I was able to nominate others and let them post confidence! This one starting to spread fast. I only saw ONU basketball players post and then it went to other schools. This hashtag was really successful in my opinion.

Another challenge was the #positivitychallenge. This is a 30-day challenge where individuals are invited to post a nice gesture they have done on their Instagram story. The goal of this challenge is to spread positivity during times of anxiety, worries and uncertainty.

Along with the positivity challenge is a #beautifulwomenchallenge. This challenge you tag all the women who have helped shape you into the women you are today. Again, it's a way to spread positivity and light during difficult times.

Lastly, the #24hourchallenge is trending and I think this is my favorite. You post a selfie of yourself and tag 10 gorgeous women to do the same. The goal of this is to build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. You try to go 24 hours without complaining to make an impact on your life and others.

I love the idea of social media promoting positivity and uplifting each other. During the times of worry, I think it's important to think of happiness and spread it across the world. These hashtags really contribute to the world and are trending like no other.

1 comment:

  1. This has been all over my Instagram stories! I especially liked your #postabucketchallenge because you are a baller. I have participated in the #beautifulwomanchallenge and the push-up challenge. Also, I nominated you to do 10 push-ups, so let me see them, Em! lol
