Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Reading the same textbook as previous blog posts, this chapter talked about the importance of strategic planning for social media platforms. The author mentioned components of a strategic plan and one of those components is a content calendar. 

A social media content calendar aligns all of the pieces of content at the same time on a platform and this process is sometimes referred to as the customer journey landscape view. A social media calendar will save a company time and money and allow to track and test different strategies to be the most successful. It also creates a consistent brand voice and style because it is planned and organized. 

Here are some tricks to know about creating a content calendar! 

One of the hardest parts about a social media content calendar is knowing what to post. It's hard to come up with enough ideas but if you plan it out in the long run, it will help set goals and make the process more manageable. Posts have to be appealing to the people who follow your brand and promotional content allow for sales and boost your products. Your content needs to help your audience. 

Next trick is organizing and managing a posting schedule. Once you post for a while, you will be able to figure out trends and each social platform has recommendations on how often you post a day. Along with the amount of posts, there are the best times to post on each app. Staying to a schedule helps you grow an understanding of your audience. 

When you plan out your calendar, you will be able to track and analyze campaigns and information. Collect data from other posts, which will continue to grow your content calendar in the future. You always want to increase your reach on all the platforms

Social media is an important aspect to a company's strategy. In order to be successful, it requires teamwork from all the departments. It's a social media team who is reliable and easy to involve with the right tools. 

A ready-to-go and planned out social media content calendar allows you to plan for the future and focus on other important areas of your strategic plan. 

1 comment:

  1. I think content calendars are the key to success when staying organized and up to date. I love the tricks you gave that make them easier to understand. Great blog, Em!
