Monday, August 31, 2020


We are doing better. Last week was just not my week at all but this week is going better. This year is going to be a roller coaster but we are going to make it out thriving. 

Abby (my sister) was in Ada over the weekend for a wedding and I didn't even realize how much I missed her until I saw her. It was something I really needed and a piece of home. She came up on Thursday and stayed until Sunday. We had a grand time, she looked so pretty for the wedding and we got sister time. 

This was Abby's first time back at school since she graduated and I concluded there is no one else who loved college more than her. She was so invested with everything about COVID-19 and she wanted to be included on the roommate shenanigans. It was really cute and I think she needed to experience it again. 

My roommates were excited to see Abby and whenever you have two Brock sisters together, it automatically gets two times louder. I love when we are together because she knows how to calm me down when I am stressed out. 

I was really comforting to have her here this week with all the craziness and stress from the week before and I was able to vent and get it all out. I am hopeful things will start to look up and I start feeling somewhat of a normal again. 

Seeing her made me realize college is going by so fast and before I know it, I will be graduating. I really don't want to spend my weeks stressed and anxious about the future. My reminders for this week include:

1. Taking deep breathes 

2. Starting each morning with three things I am grateful for

3. Smile

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Three weeks into school and this blog post is going to be a rant about how overwhelmed and stressed senior year has been so far. I feel like I cannot take a breath, slow down and enjoy what I have in front of me. 

The past three weeks have been filled with school, basketball, COVID-19 and being a senior. I wake up, workout, go to work, go to class, go to meetings and then try to find time to be a normal college student. IT IS HARD. 

I know I sound dramatic but I think being able to put my thoughts into writing will help me. So far, senior year is kicking my butt. I think I cry everyday because my mind races about how much I have going on and the big factor in it all is how this is my last year at school. 

This is the first time in my life I feel unorganized and unprepared when it comes to school and work. Normally I have my life planned out but over the past three weeks, things have not gone my way. I am trying to stay as optimistic as I can but I am on the struggle bus. 

In my last blog, I mentioned how my motto is make it count. This is my last year of school and it is supposed to be the best year but I find myself worrying about other people and making sure I am doing everything I can to make my life less stressful. But in reality, I think I am making it harder. 

I am 100% the person who makes things more difficult and I am a hardcore perfectionist. I think it is coming back to haunt me. My two helpful tactics I am doing a lot is running and organizing but there is only so much you can do. 

At the end of the day, senior year is hard. Trying to live through a global pandemic for your entire senior year is hard. I am trying to live my best life but somedays are a bit harder than others. 

I am ending this on a good note. Three things I am thankful: the sunshine, the green monster and Romans 8:28. 

OK, rant over. Em out. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


You all know how much I love Ada and ONU so this is the perfect time to talk about the most perfect people I get to live with this year. 

I love my friends! They are so fun and I'm so happy to be living with them this year. Our friend group started when we were sophomores and then we literally spent every second together. Our group is filled with two (current) volleyball players, one (retired) volleyball player and two basketball players. Three of us are business majors and the other two are nurses. Honestly, it's the perfect set up.
Our group has different personalities but also extremely similar personalities. We love to have fun, support each other, laugh at each other but most importantly, be loud with each other. If you know me well, think about how loud I am and then quadruple it.

We all decided to live in a house together for a last year and so far, it's going really well! No drama ... yet ;) just kidding. I'm really excited to see how this year is going to go but the biggest lesson I'm learning right now is to make it count. I try to make a motto for each year and it just stuck out to me when the pandemic hit. 

I can spend this year being mad and upset about COVID-19 and don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy living school like this. But I'm trying to remember all the positives. I GET to live in a house with my best friends. I GET to wake up and go to class. I GET to stay up till 3am and laugh until I cry with these girls.

I'm so excited for this year and to be in a bubble with these girls. In the wise words of my roommates, "You can't break the rules when you live with your best friends." 

These girls are some of the most important people in my life and I really don't know what I would do without them. Shoutout 121 (not going to write the street name from security reasons) ... I'm so ready for this year!