Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Image result for social media for strategic communicationAfter reading Chapter 5 of "Social Media for Strategic Communication," the author highlights the research and analysis side of social media. By knowing the research and analysis side of social media, companies will be able to tell a story of where they are, where they are going, what to look for and how to get there.

"Social media measurement and analytics make up one of the fastest-growing specialization within the field." This means companies should follow the best practices when it comes to social media research and analysis.

Tip #1: 
Designate a person or team for monitoring and listening to the conversation on social media. 

  • When you assign a person or team to take on this task, they can focus solely the key metrics and how to understand and apply the findings. With the information and proper training, senior management can conduct a strategy to produce the best results. 
Tip #2: 
Invest in the right tools. 
  • When you invest in the right social media managements tools, the better off the company will be in filtering and reporting measures. Social media resources come in different sizes, focus areas, data collection and prices. 
Tip #3:
Apply the insights to strategies. 
  • When you complete tip one and two, you will be able to gain insight. Once you get the insight, you need to be able to do more than just collecting data in spreadsheets. Take the insights and create a strategic. This could lead to more content focusing on themes and trends. 
Tip #4:
Engage and talk with your audience. 
  • In order to achieve goals for the company or organization, you have to figure out what the audience wants. Creating relationships allows you to evaluate the behaviors and actions of your audience. You set a policy to best represent your brand voice and community. 

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