Tuesday, March 31, 2020


The overall goal for individuals in the social media industry is to create great content. But you don't want to create content to just create content, you want to create content to make a connection, dialogue and promote your brand or product.

Content marketing is used to promote content to the masses and it is not new to the social media industry. Content marketing has become an integrated tool for helping individuals in the professional world determine what to create, spread and share with others to accomplish goals. 

When a company or brand creates original content, they're promoting their brand voice and perspectives on social media. Social media is an excellent way to show off and get their voice out for everyone to see. 

There are multiple reasons to create content on social media. According to Karen Freburg, there are four reasons for content marketing on social media. 

Reason #1: Having strong brand awareness 
  • Companies are trying to find a way to be different than their competitors. Everything you post on your platform should be yours but you can research what others are doing to expand your reach. When you post similar content to others, it's important to have a strong brand image to attract new communities and industries so they can follow your original content. 
Reason #2: Gaining respect and reputation in the industry as a trusted resource. 
  • When your posts are personal and consistent, the more you are looked at as a trusted resource. This means posting often about information relevant and useful to members. When a company or brand continues to be consistent and valuable, the more respect and trust will be gained from the audiences, which could lead to new opportunities. 
Reason #3: Tying into the search engine optimization capabilities. 
  • Whenever you post content, it is important to do your research on your topic in the terms of key words. Data insights and valuable content is the key aspect needed to maintain a loyal community base. When someone searches key words about a topic and your content pops up, you want it to be helpful and allow individuals to follow you. 
Reason #4: Providing assets to a social media campaign. 
  • Content equals assets. Assets are used for strategic messages and campaigns and without them, the overall message might not be presented the best way and force the audience to lose attention on social media. 

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