Sunday, March 8, 2020


Junior season of basketball ended when we lost in the OAC quarterfinals against John Caroll. Emotions were high because I didn't want basketball to be over. I didn't want to lose what this team had going for the program. I didn't want to stop practicing. And I didn't want to lose the senior class.

This year of basketball has been the most challenging season of my life. I experienced trials, frustrations, tears, laughs, wins and memories. This season had the most highs and lows of my life with a sport and I wouldn't change any second of it because of the lesson I learned about myself.

I never realized a sport can be such a mental game. It goes way past dribbling or shooting the ball.  I'm not going to lie, I struggled a lot this season. My performance on the court wasn't the greatest I wanted it to be and I was extremely hard on myself. I lacked a lot of confidence but in the end, the lessons I learned made the roller coaster worth it.

Go into my senior season I need to remember I have only one season left to play the game I love. I don't want to have any regrets and I don't want to throw away time complaining and being too hard on myself. I love basketball and the bottom line is to have fun. So here are some note worthy lesson I took away this season.

Lesson #1 - Be a team Player 
Know your role. Accept your role. Be the best you can be in your role. Whether you are the best player or all the way on the left bench, you are an aspect to the team. Be humble and know you are important.

Lesson #2 - Adversity is ok 
When something isn't going ok, don't panic. Recognize it, evaluate it, understand it and figure out how to fix it or move on. Game plans don't always go as plan. The ball doesn't always go in. Figure out and make the adjustments. Never give up.

Lesson #3 - Smile and have fun 
At the end of the day, basketball is fun. I GET to wake up and play basketball. I GET to practice. The tears and frustration is not worth it. The best part about basketball is the fact I get to laugh, smile and make memories with my best friends. I'm not going to remember the wins and loses (well, hopefully), I'm going to remember the times with my teammates.

And just like that, I'm a senior in basketball again. It's bittersweet but I am ready to take on the challenges and moments with my teammates. BALL IS LIFE (and fun).


  1. You had a great season Emily and I loved to watch you girls play. I love how competitive you are on the court. I will keep in mind your lessons for my senior year of volleyball. Great blog, Em!

  2. You and the rest of your team had a great season this year. I'm sorry about your OAC quarterfinals loss but don't let that deter you. Continue to do great and I look forward to seeing you play next season.
