Tuesday, September 29, 2020

21 FUN

I finally turned 21 years old! If you guys didn't know, my birthday is considered a national holiday and my people really lived it up. I celebrated for three days and I can't even put into words how amazing my roommates were with the planning, decorations and making me feel like a queen. 

On my actually birthday, I was able to go to dinner with Chris, Abby and my friend, Jordan. We went to Luke's in Bluffton and it was so fun! Night one was more of a chill and family night because I had my last basketball conditioning ever! 

Then the weekend came and all the festivities with the roommates began! All of their secret planning, hidden Pinterest boards and text messages back and forth came into full swing on Friday night. My roommates killed it. They decorated the room in light blue with perfect balloons, a photo wall, dinner and of course, alcohol. Friday was a blast and we got all dressed up for the night and I even got my professor to find me the sassiest and most perfect dress. 

On Saturday, we all relaxed for a bit and started the day with a little white lies t-shirt themed party. Everyone wears a white t-shirt with a white lie written on it. My shirt said "I'm quiet." HA, get it? Because I'm loud. Saturday was the rough day and night but we powered through and made it out alive.

I felt all the love this past weekend and I can't be more grateful for all the amazing people in my life. I think birthdays are special because you get to celebrate the individuals you love the most. Everyone needs friends like mine in their life but you can't have mine because they are already taken. 


Sunday, September 20, 2020


We live on the COVID corner ... as people like to call it but ironically, no one has the COVID. 

My neighbors are fun. As you know, I live in a house with five other girls so it is already loud. But let me tell you about the house next door ... THEY ARE NUTS. On this corner, we have my house (women's basketball and volleyball), the women's soccer team is across the street and then the football boys are right next door. 

The corner is fun and I am really enjoying getting to know them because I didn't know them until this year of college. When you put four sports teams together, it is a blast and I wish COVID-19 didn't exist because it would be even more fun. 

But the house next door is always on a whole other level. First of all, there are 12 humans living in the house, 11 boys and one girl. Megan is a queen and we call her the queen of the castle. She whips the boys into shape and I believe she is the reason the house is still standing. We love Megan and I think she loves having girls to escape to when the boys are too crazy. 

Next we have the 11 boys who are out of control. We say it is the football players but it is really just two football guys, construction management majors and then retired football players. I say they are obnoxious but they make me laugh until I'm crying and they can always put a smile on my face. It's hard to explain all of the things they do because it is just so random. I wish I could have spent more time with them during college but I am really thankful they came into my life during the COVID craziness.

I know a lot of people think our corner is crazy but I really promise we follow the COVID guidelines. We have outside and six-feet apart movie nights, corn hole and volleyball games (with our masks on), Chipotle runs and Sunday morning coffee talks ... from our two porches. 

College is fun and sometimes I wish it would all slow down. The COVID can definitely chill sometimes but being on the corner makes it feel normal. 

Thanks (insert street name but I'm not writing it for security reason) for all the shenanigans. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Y'all ... I got randomly selected to get the COVID-19 test at school on Tuesday and I WAS FREAKING OUT. I had zero symptoms but I think I was convincing myself I had the COVID. 

I received an email on Friday as I was driving to the DMV because I am turning 21 in one week! I was so excited because I believe my birthday is a national holiday and I am finally going to be old enough to do adult activities with my friends because I am the baby of the group. I pulled into the DMV and I got the notification I had to get tested and then my stress began for five straight days. 

I wish ONU would tell you five minutes before you had to get tested because then you would not have much time to stress about the situation. Yes, I know I get more worked up on a situation compared to others but I really did not enjoy the anticipation of waiting. I was giving myself headaches and then I convinced myself I had the COVID but I would just forget to eat and drink water. 

I was more afraid of being positive than the actual test. I would cry because I did not want to be the reason my friends would have to quarantine for 14 days. I know my house would have fun but the idea of it being my fault really made me anxious. BUT WE ARE IN THE CLEAR! 

The test didn't hurt and I think I blacked out during it. It took literally 10 seconds and the waiting game started. My aunt called me during the wait and my roommate called me to play a prank and my heart stopped both times. After an hour, I realized I was not going to get a call and I was all good. It was a huge relief. 

I wish this blog did more justice on proving how scared and nervous I was for this test. But you can ask everyone who knew about it ... I was flipping the frick out. I am very happy to have this over and I hope Northern continues to keep the numbers low and I wish everyone who tested positive or in quarantine a safe and quick recovery! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


If you have been keeping up on my blogs, you know I have been struggling through college with COVID-19. It was just Labor Day and normally we get Monday off but this year, we had to go tschool. I wasn’t planning on leaving ONU but I did and went to my favorite place.

I went to relax on Lake Erie at my grandma’s house in Marblehead. Chris and I decided to go last minute because we both needed to get away. I say “we” but it was mostly me and he is a rock star and offered to drive. It was a quick 24-hour trip and we filled up our whole time with being on the water and exploring the location. Chris has never been to the lake so it was fun to show him around but I wish we had a little more time.

We were able to Jet Ski around the area, we went the Marblehead lighthouse, we had a perch fish fry and we got the "famous" Toft's ice cream ... if you know you know. 

I haven't seen my grandma since I left for my summer internship so it was about three months and I really missed her. My grandma has a huge impact on my life and I could tell she really missed me. If you ask any of my cousins, they all say I am the favorite grandkid ... it's 100% true.

This weekend was so fun and I can't wait to go back to the lake soon and see my memaw. It is my home away from home and I loved being able to show Chris this special place. After the chaos, the lake was the only place I wanted to be and I'm so thankful I was able to go! 
