Monday, March 16, 2020


Image result for coronavirus
As we all know, the coronavirus has taken over almost every aspect of social media. Tweets, Instagram posts, Snapchats, Facebook posts and other platforms have been talking about this virus. It is crazy and I have contemplated deleting my social media because it can get overwhelming at times.

But because of this happening in the world and because social media can impact our lives, I have looked at the coronavirus in a new perspective and I believe a lot of people can agree with this perspective.

With schools transferring to online and even some universities shutting down dorms and campus, I learned college is a gift and we can't take the things we do and love for granted. I have stopped looking at things as a burden and turned them into an opportunity. I don't HAVE to go to class, I GET to go to class. I don't HAVE to go to basketball, I GET to go to basketball.

It is crazy how one disease can change someone's life. Being an athlete, my heart goes out to those athletes who had a season to play. But it is really cool to see athletes supporting each other and helping during a hard time. I have one season left and I feel guilty for complaining during my previous seasons when it can get taken away so fast.

I believe social media is causing a lot of panic. Yes, I believe this a horrible thing happening but I wish people would stop being so loud on social media. We can learn so much through this problem and I just hope we can slow down the spread.

I'm thankful I still have one more year left at school and I feel bad for those whose school year is ending. I am optimistic about everything happening and I know it will work itself out. So my tip for you is stay positive and be thankful for your opportunities.

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