Monday, February 24, 2020


Remember that time when you were a kid and you would pretend the floor was lava? You would put pillows on the ground in your living room and if you hit the lava, you lost the game. Well, snapchat has made the childhood game a reality.

Snapchat is growing from face filters and lenses to identifying the ground floor and turning into shimmering, molten and wet effects. Snap's reality lenses have been able to recognize landmarks, transform faces and bodies and play games. But now Snapchat has developed new ways to increase usage and make landscapes look interesting.

So far, Snapchat has created two effects: making the floor lava and making the floor flooded. The effects transform the ground into the different scenes you wish to use and it stretches out pretty far. When you move the lenses, the effect goes with the lenses and redraws to new areas.

This new filter is known as ground segmentation lenses and Snapchat plans to keep building new effects and filters. All the social media platforms are teaming up to create a huge library of community and influencer filters. Snap describes this ground segmentation as "a natural evolution and next step for us in understanding what the camera can see and helping our community learn more about the world around them."

The two latest additions to Snapchat's will keep you as entertained as your previous eight-year-old self during a game of the floor is lava. But now you don't need to use your imagination, Snapchat will do it for you!


  1. I for sure played that game as a kid! I didn't know Snapchat came out with these new filters, but I'm going to check it out now. The filter with the ground being water looks really cool. Thanks for sharing, Emily!

  2. This is so cool! I wasn't aware snapchat created a filter like this until now. How or where do you access it? This is another reason why I love snapchat. It's so many fun things to do on there.

  3. This is really cool. I haven't seen it yet but I'm really excited to try it now. I loved playing this game with my brother when I was a kid.

  4. I use to play the floor is lava all the time with my sisters! I love how Snapchat continues to make new and fun filters like this one! I am interested to see what new filters Snapchat will put out in 2020.
