Monday, February 17, 2020


This weekend, the NBA All-Star was trending on Twitter due to one aspect of competition, the dunk contest. There is a lot of controversy over the winner and the judges reportedly planned for the final round to end in a tie but one judge went off script.

There were many NBA stars who competed in this contest, however two all-stars stood out, Aaron Gordon (Orlando Magic) and Derrick Jones Jr. (Miami Heat). Gordon and Jones scored a perfect 50 on their first round of dunks, which forced the contest to go longer than expected.

The judges "planned" on giving a tie to both stars but one of the judges went away from the plan. Because of this, Twitter blew up and even LeBron James tweeted about the contest.

A lot of people believed Aaron Gordon should have won the contest because he dunked over a 7-foot-5 rookie in the league but Derrick Jones Jr. pulled out the win by one point. Gordon seemed very upset after the contest in the interview and brought up the fact how he lost in 2016, which he believed he should have won. There are a lot of memes and tweets about Gordon getting robbed in the 2020 dunk contest. 

On a positive note, articles are saying this contest is the best top-to-bottom display of dunking in the history of the competition. And social media never fails to show highlights and information about the all-star weekend. Take a look at this tweet and tell me who you think should have won the contest!

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