Monday, April 20, 2020


We are one month down of being in quarantine and I'm very excited for it to be over and have school be done. Online classes started about four weeks ago and it was a huge adjustment. I've mentioned I'm a enneagram type one, which means I'm very organized, structured and don't like it when my routine gets messed up. So you can imagine how anxious and worried I was when all this started happening.

I had a lot of things changing with classes, basketball and my social life so I had to quickly adapt and get on a new routine. I figured out my life for basketball and friends. My basketball team is doing zoom workouts three days and week. And I'm loving my life here with my housemates doing fun quarantine activities.

For school, I have to find motivation to get my stuff done and it is really hard because the weather is starting to get nicer. I am taking five classes this semester and only two of them I have to go to via zoom.

All of my professors are helpful and consistent when it comes to the syllabus so the classes aren't changing too much. I really miss going to class because I was able to see all my friends and professors. I enjoy talking a lot during class and one of my professors enjoys muting me on zoom so it's basically the same thing.

As you know, I'm living with four other girls and three of them are the same major and we have the same professors but just different classes. So sometimes I sit in on their classes so I can talk to the professors and I have learned different things by listening in on those zoom calls.

Once I adjusted to the online school, I was good to go but I really do miss seeing people's faces every day. I'm hopeful school will start in the fall so some of my professors don't have the power to mute me.

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