Monday, April 13, 2020


This Easter was spent in Ada, Ohio with Abby (sister), Hannah (housemate) and Joe (Hannah's boyfriend). Everyone else went home to their families but we decided to stay in Ada, cook a meal and be a family. It was really a great time and WE COOKED A LOT OF FOOD. 

Abby and I made a list (well abby made a list) and we went to Aldi to pick everything up. We had a lot on the menu but the best part was we bought a ham for $8. So we had ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, rolls, cream corn and carrot cake. I know you're probably thinking, "How much did Emily actually cook of that?" The answer is pretty much none of it unless you count helping put the ingredients together for the cake. BUT I did clean all the dishes so I promise I wasn't just sitting on the couch. 

We started the morning by watching a church service online. We watched One Church and then I watched another service called Rock City. Both of these churches are in Columbus and my faith is very important to me so being able to worship God during quarantine is amazing. 

I also made everyone in the house get dressed up in their Easter outfits because I'm a firm believer in look good, feel good. Plus, I wanted to take Easter photos and they turned out beautiful. We all wore a shade of blue and I was loving every second because it was aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

The food was amazing but the company was even better. I planned a zoom Easter call with all of my family members and it was great to see them. This was not how I envisioned Easter going but I focused on the people around me and the truth of Jesus granting us salvation! 

I will remember this Easter Sunday forever and it will go down as one of the best. I hope everyone had a great Easter with their quarantine team.


  1. Happy (late) Easter! Your meal you all cooked sounds amazing. I'm glad you got to participate and do the dishes. Haha! It doesn't surprise me you made everyone get dressed up, but you all look beautiful! Zoom calls with family are the best, but my grandparents had a difficult time figuring it out!

  2. This looks like so much fun. I'm glad you were still able to enjoy the Easter holiday even if you couldn't physically be with everyone you love. It looks like you guys had an amazing meal too!
