Saturday, April 18, 2020


If your fans of the office and enjoy hearing about good news in the world, you should check out "Some Good News" by John Krasinski. He explains in his videos how it's important to spread good news during times of crisis and I think his dry humor is hilarious.

He has posted 3 episodes and each episode is about 15 minutes long. SGN is an immature news show and he grabs news from twitter by using the hashtag #SomeGoodNews. He acts as a news anchor and he gained a large following based because people want to be featured on the show.

He has different segments every time and his goal is to bring positivity to the world. He features celebrities including Steve Carell, Emily Blunt (well that is his wife), Lin-Manuel Miranda and Robert De Niro.

I was so inspired by SGN with John Krasinski I wanted to create my own news show. So Abby and I decided to create SGN Ada. We have been gathering research and creating a script to film and post by Monday.

SGN Ada will be about the students of Northern, the village of Ada and worldwide good news. While working on the first episode, I realized SGN was a lot harder than I thought it would be but I'm excited to film, edit and post for people to watch.

The goal of this is to hopefully become viral (haha just kidding, kinda). But in all seriousness, we want ONU students to direct message us good news about their lives so we can share it with everyone who will watch the show. I think it would be really cool if John Krasinksi finds us and talks about SGN Ada on his episodes as well.

All of the episodes will be posted to Instagram in the form of an IGTV video. I am very excited about this and I hope a lot of people will follow along with SGN Ada! If you have any good news or know of everyone with good news, I encourage you to reach out to SGN Ada.

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