Monday, April 27, 2020


We have been in quarantine for six weeks and I'm still going strong with finding new activities to do each week. I know a lot of people are losing their minds so I hope some of my ideas are worth trying to relieve some stress.

Last week, I channeled my inner 10-year-old self with sidewalk chalk. Abby is on an arts and crafts kick and the weather is getting nice so we are spending a lot of time outside. We found really awesome and bright designs on Pinterest and wanted to try it out. We decorated the whole front sidewalk in rainbows and it was the perfect photo opportunity.

It was my friend's birthday and I wasn't able to celebrate with her because of social distancing so we went to her house and sent her a little message with the chalk. We said happy birthday through opposite sides of the sidewalk but I think it made her really happy and it give us an excuse to see different humans for once.

We also had a paint and sip night. One of the girls in the house is a going to be an art teacher so she was able to walk us through the night. The girls decided on painting their house in Ada, which is super meaningful to them so I loved the idea.

It was really fun to have a night dedicated to being together and all doing the same thing. The whole project took about three hours and this house is filled with perfectionists so you can imagine how slow it took us to draw, paint and sip.

I haven't been living in this house for very long but I participated in painting the house because I have made a lot of memories with the girls the past six weeks. I'm excited to look back on this painting and remember all the times during quarantine.

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