Saturday, April 11, 2020


Ohio Northern University was founded on April 8, 1871. That means the best school ever is 149 years old, YAY! Due to students and faculty not being on campus, all the events for Founders Day had to be moved online. I'm sure this caused a lot of stress on the Office of Alumni at ONU but I was able to help promote ONU Founders Day through social media.

I was asked to create an Instagram challenge. I really didn't know what to do but after brainstorming with a few people, we thought of the #ShootYourShotChallenge. I watched a Tik Tok about people copying each other's dance moves so I decided to turn the Tik Tok into basketball. So this means my last shot had to be the first shot of the people I tagged.

I was able to set up the whole challenge at the freshman dorms basketball court and I gave a whole promotional introduction to the amazing women we were honoring this year for Founders Day, Helen Ludwig. Helen coached all women's sports at Ohio Northern so the goal was to get all athletic teams involved in the challenge. I tagged every sports team on Instagram and I tagged one athlete per team for this challenge.

This was so fun! The challenge really took off and it made me really happy to see people participate on Instagram. We used several hashtags including #ONUFoundersDay, #ShootYourShotChallenge and #PolarBearPride.

Ohio Northern Founders Day might have been different this year because of Coronavirus but we came together as a school to support each other and show our love for this school. As a school, we engaged 12,500 different ways on social media and raised $67,229 with 248 donors.

1 comment:

  1. I saw several people participate in you Instagram challenge. It looked like you and everyone that participated in it had so much fun! It is so nice to see people come together like this over social media!
