Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Hello everyone! Welcome to my first blog post.

First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Emily Brock and I am a Junior Marketing Major with a Social media Minor at Ohio Northern University. I grew up in Akron, Ohio and found my way to ONU through participating on the basketball team. My blogs will be stories about me and my life, stories about how Public Relations and Social Media is affecting our world, and stories about textbooks in my class relating to social media.

But first, let's learn more about ME!

I am 20 years old and I would honestly say that I am living my best life. This is not to say everything in my life is perfect, I have gone through a lot of stuff that has challenged me, but without those challenges, Emily would not be Emily. I would consider myself extremely energetic, determined and of course, LOUD.

Being at Ohio Northern for 3 years has been an amazing experience for me. I am involved in several organizations, but I spend the majority of my time with the women's basketball team. It sounds cliché, but my team is my family and my college experience would not be the same without them. Along with basketball, I am apart of PRSSA, TrueNorth PR, Dean's Advisory Council, American Marketing Association and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I have met some of my best friends through these clubs and I am so grateful to be given the opportunities at Northern.

Outside of school and basketball, I love being with family. My family is definitely one of kind but I wouldn't have it any other way. We are loud, loyal and loving and have been through some of the hardest of times. My cousins are more like siblings and when we are together, I have the best of time. We enjoy being on the water, whether its fishing, jet skiing or swimming. We have a lake house in Marblehead, OH and we enjoy traveling as a huge group. I also love running and being outside, but of course, I will also enjoy a day of Netflix and chilling on the couch.

Now that you know a little bit about me, I hope you continue to keep reading and follow along with my life. I am definitely a unique person, with a crazy personality so I hope some of my blogs can help you laugh OUT LOUD.

Thanks for reading!


  1. You are the greatest person with the best personality, Em! Your distinct and contagious laugh will always put a smile on my face. Never stop being you bestie! P.S - love your picture choices.

  2. Really nice being able to learn more about you. Great pictures too!
