Monday, January 27, 2020


I am deciding to write a blog about my sister, Abby, because 1) I always wanted her to write one about me and 2) She is truly my favorite person on this world. 

Throughout everything I've been through, my sister has never left my side. She is my #1 supporter. She loves me unconditionally and will always be willing to listen to my vent sessions. Abby can do no wrong in my eyes and without her, my life would not be the same.

I could write pages on pages on how Abby is the best sister so instead, I will give you a few reasons why she is the best. 

She will always be there. Whether I am stressing about a school assignment, arguing with my aunts or my dad or having relationship struggles, Abby will always be there. She listens like no one else and she will give the best advice, whether or not I like it. I can always count on Abby to be in the stands at my basketball games, to be the shoulder to cry and to be the best dancing partner in the world. 

We can't stay mad at each other. This reason makes me laugh because I feel like I'm the initiator to every argument or fight. We could be fighting about sharing the car, braiding hair or a full on screaming match. But in the end, I know we (mostly me) can apologize and move on like nothing happened. I will always talk to her
after the fight and ask "are we still fighting?" and then we laugh it out. 

She accepts me for who I am. I would say I'm a pretty unique breed, with my obnoxious laugh and energetic self but Abby will always be my hype person and confidence booster. Yes, she will tell me to "chill" or "bring it down a level" but she will always be right by myself laughing with me. Abby has kept me strong when I feel weak and this is why she is the best sister. 

My sister makes my life a whole lot brighter and I will forever be grateful for her heart and personality. Thank you Abby for being my best friend and sister. You have been my best friend since the beginning of time and I can't wait for our adventures to continue. 

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