Sunday, September 20, 2020


We live on the COVID corner ... as people like to call it but ironically, no one has the COVID. 

My neighbors are fun. As you know, I live in a house with five other girls so it is already loud. But let me tell you about the house next door ... THEY ARE NUTS. On this corner, we have my house (women's basketball and volleyball), the women's soccer team is across the street and then the football boys are right next door. 

The corner is fun and I am really enjoying getting to know them because I didn't know them until this year of college. When you put four sports teams together, it is a blast and I wish COVID-19 didn't exist because it would be even more fun. 

But the house next door is always on a whole other level. First of all, there are 12 humans living in the house, 11 boys and one girl. Megan is a queen and we call her the queen of the castle. She whips the boys into shape and I believe she is the reason the house is still standing. We love Megan and I think she loves having girls to escape to when the boys are too crazy. 

Next we have the 11 boys who are out of control. We say it is the football players but it is really just two football guys, construction management majors and then retired football players. I say they are obnoxious but they make me laugh until I'm crying and they can always put a smile on my face. It's hard to explain all of the things they do because it is just so random. I wish I could have spent more time with them during college but I am really thankful they came into my life during the COVID craziness.

I know a lot of people think our corner is crazy but I really promise we follow the COVID guidelines. We have outside and six-feet apart movie nights, corn hole and volleyball games (with our masks on), Chipotle runs and Sunday morning coffee talks ... from our two porches. 

College is fun and sometimes I wish it would all slow down. The COVID can definitely chill sometimes but being on the corner makes it feel normal. 

Thanks (insert street name but I'm not writing it for security reason) for all the shenanigans. 


  1. I LOVE this blog, Em! As your fellow roommate, I can agree that our neighbors are crazy, but make college so fun. I love that we have these memories to hold on to as college flies by. I don't want this year to be over - but I want the COVID to be over....

  2. This blog is adorable. I have had some experience with that house and they are crazy (in a good way). If COVID wasn't a thing right now, I would be over there a lot. I can't lie, I may or may not have showed up once already this year but haven't since because I don't want anyone to get in trouble. I hope next semester is a little more normal for you so you can fully enjoy the rest of your year.

  3. I definitely wish we could spend our senior year in a normal way, but at least you are making the best out of it! Also, 11 boys and 1 girl in a house?!?!? She MUST be a queen to deal with all of that. Enjoy the rest of the year and hopefully next semester things will be even closer to normal, if not all of the way!
