Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Y'all ... I got randomly selected to get the COVID-19 test at school on Tuesday and I WAS FREAKING OUT. I had zero symptoms but I think I was convincing myself I had the COVID. 

I received an email on Friday as I was driving to the DMV because I am turning 21 in one week! I was so excited because I believe my birthday is a national holiday and I am finally going to be old enough to do adult activities with my friends because I am the baby of the group. I pulled into the DMV and I got the notification I had to get tested and then my stress began for five straight days. 

I wish ONU would tell you five minutes before you had to get tested because then you would not have much time to stress about the situation. Yes, I know I get more worked up on a situation compared to others but I really did not enjoy the anticipation of waiting. I was giving myself headaches and then I convinced myself I had the COVID but I would just forget to eat and drink water. 

I was more afraid of being positive than the actual test. I would cry because I did not want to be the reason my friends would have to quarantine for 14 days. I know my house would have fun but the idea of it being my fault really made me anxious. BUT WE ARE IN THE CLEAR! 

The test didn't hurt and I think I blacked out during it. It took literally 10 seconds and the waiting game started. My aunt called me during the wait and my roommate called me to play a prank and my heart stopped both times. After an hour, I realized I was not going to get a call and I was all good. It was a huge relief. 

I wish this blog did more justice on proving how scared and nervous I was for this test. But you can ask everyone who knew about it ... I was flipping the frick out. I am very happy to have this over and I hope Northern continues to keep the numbers low and I wish everyone who tested positive or in quarantine a safe and quick recovery! 


  1. I'm glad I could go with you or moral support and YES... you were very stressed. I'm glad everything came back OK and you were negative. Here's to not having the COVID and celebrating your 21st in 8 days :)

  2. The Covid test is very stressful before you take it, it definitely was for me. Glad it came back negative!

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