Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Three weeks into school and this blog post is going to be a rant about how overwhelmed and stressed senior year has been so far. I feel like I cannot take a breath, slow down and enjoy what I have in front of me. 

The past three weeks have been filled with school, basketball, COVID-19 and being a senior. I wake up, workout, go to work, go to class, go to meetings and then try to find time to be a normal college student. IT IS HARD. 

I know I sound dramatic but I think being able to put my thoughts into writing will help me. So far, senior year is kicking my butt. I think I cry everyday because my mind races about how much I have going on and the big factor in it all is how this is my last year at school. 

This is the first time in my life I feel unorganized and unprepared when it comes to school and work. Normally I have my life planned out but over the past three weeks, things have not gone my way. I am trying to stay as optimistic as I can but I am on the struggle bus. 

In my last blog, I mentioned how my motto is make it count. This is my last year of school and it is supposed to be the best year but I find myself worrying about other people and making sure I am doing everything I can to make my life less stressful. But in reality, I think I am making it harder. 

I am 100% the person who makes things more difficult and I am a hardcore perfectionist. I think it is coming back to haunt me. My two helpful tactics I am doing a lot is running and organizing but there is only so much you can do. 

At the end of the day, senior year is hard. Trying to live through a global pandemic for your entire senior year is hard. I am trying to live my best life but somedays are a bit harder than others. 

I am ending this on a good note. Three things I am thankful: the sunshine, the green monster and Romans 8:28. 

OK, rant over. Em out. 


  1. Em - you will be okay! College is hard, especially senior year, but YOU GOT THIS! I believe in you. You will accomplish more this year than you'll ever know. Keep your head high and your mind focused on your positives. I hope this blog rant gave you some peace of mind. :)

  2. I agree - senior year has definitely been off to a rough start. It feels like all I do is go to class, attend meetings, and work on assignments. It's okay to not be optimistic 24/7. This is going to be a stressful year, but it will all be worth it. You got this!

  3. It's super hard to feel organized and prepared when things are changing every day! I totally feel this! This is not at all how I wanted/expected my senior year to go... Thank you for the reminder to try and soak it all in and make it count :)
