Tuesday, August 18, 2020


You all know how much I love Ada and ONU so this is the perfect time to talk about the most perfect people I get to live with this year. 

I love my friends! They are so fun and I'm so happy to be living with them this year. Our friend group started when we were sophomores and then we literally spent every second together. Our group is filled with two (current) volleyball players, one (retired) volleyball player and two basketball players. Three of us are business majors and the other two are nurses. Honestly, it's the perfect set up.
Our group has different personalities but also extremely similar personalities. We love to have fun, support each other, laugh at each other but most importantly, be loud with each other. If you know me well, think about how loud I am and then quadruple it.

We all decided to live in a house together for a last year and so far, it's going really well! No drama ... yet ;) just kidding. I'm really excited to see how this year is going to go but the biggest lesson I'm learning right now is to make it count. I try to make a motto for each year and it just stuck out to me when the pandemic hit. 

I can spend this year being mad and upset about COVID-19 and don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy living school like this. But I'm trying to remember all the positives. I GET to live in a house with my best friends. I GET to wake up and go to class. I GET to stay up till 3am and laugh until I cry with these girls.

I'm so excited for this year and to be in a bubble with these girls. In the wise words of my roommates, "You can't break the rules when you live with your best friends." 

These girls are some of the most important people in my life and I really don't know what I would do without them. Shoutout 121 (not going to write the street name from security reasons) ... I'm so ready for this year!  

1 comment:

  1. Okay Em... I LOVE this blog! Not gonna lie, it almost made we tear up. It's only been 1 week living together and I'm SO excited for the year. Being roommates with all you and making memories is the best thing ever. 121 forever <3
